DDS Bro Division

Diary 19-20 oct. 96

07.30 - 18.00 UTC by OZ1MIS Michael Schrøder
A lot of trouble with our radios and computers delayed our activities.
The diary starts later...
Hej Dagbog! mellem kl 20,00 og 21,00 snakkede vi på computer sammen med en der hedder matt, han kom fra canada. Ham skrev vi med i en time. I mens skrev vi sammen med en der hedder Eli som kom fra Mexico. Det var rigtig sjovt og skrive sammen med dem begge. Vi kommer til næste år igen, for det er rigtig sjovt!!! Vi ses til næste år!!
19.00 - 20.00 UTC by Martin H. Larsen,Martin A.Ungermand & michael Elnegaard
Internet dagbog Til at starte med fik vi nogen af og undervisnivg i HFradio, mens ander lavede QSL-kort. CA. klokken 21.00 der en del der hyggesnakkede mens ander tog bamser fra Julie. Lige nu er der også nogle der surfede på internettet. To små piger sad og tegnede i paintbruss på en compoter, mens andre så linen-ud på et mini TV.
20.00 - 21.00 UTC by Tanya og Julie
Vi havde pudekrig, med Julies puder og bamse, vi havde det rigtig skægt, indtil Julies puder endte på toiletgulvet, så de blev helt våde og så blev Julie sur på ham der smed den der ud. Og så var pude krigen SLUT.
21.00 - 22.00 UTC by Sanne Jensen and Gitte Thomsen
Hereby the latest update from South Funen Internet Chats are going very hot worldwide - sometimes several at the same time - Hard to keep track of.! E-mails are also being answered to all world - but some of the scouts here are not that keen on writing in English. Our HF-Radio tape is rather dead right now - but we hope it'll be active again within short. One funny incidence - Orla kept wanting to talk about the weather. Danes are soooo good at this !!?! :-)! The scouts here - or some of them at least are beginning to be a bit tired. The pillow fight in the sleeping rooms have stopped. (bored participans or just over tired ???!? Have to stop here, as time for our diary-writing just ended - and latenight supper just been served.
22.00 - 23.00 UTC OZ7BRO / SJ and OZ7BRO / CHS
Today we have been making some electronic dices, wile some of us been talking on the VHF radio and HF radio, some of us been writing Packet radio. VHF RADIO. The VHF radio can reach up to 200 km in return for there is not so much noise as the HF. HF RADIO. The HF radio can reach for all over the world but in return for VHF there is a lot more noise and the connection is often unstable PACKET RADIO. You write to each other by computers and that is why it has no noise but often there are a long wait for answer. ELECTRONIC DICES. We have been building a electronic dice on a vero board but it does not function very well.
23.00 - 00.00 UTC by
We listened to the opening speech through the short wave radio. The speech was delivered by Birgit Strit Pedersen from the Danish "Save The Child Organisation" She opened the jota and said children should be free and have possibility for development. After the opening speech we began to construct an electronic dice. It was difficult at the beginning, But later it went faster.
00.00 - 01.00 UTC by Marie L. M. and Jeff K.
In this periode had must of the scouts gone to sleep, even do many of them didn't really go to sleep. In our computerroom we were about 12, one was talking to someone in the Netherlands, and she laugh very high. Some of us were looking at places at the NET, and the rest were looking at, what the others were doing. It was pretty interesting!!!! With places as Susi and Leo Fan Homepage, and The Kaj and Adrea homepage!!!!!!!
01.00 - 02.00 UTC by Nikolaj C. K. Grunnet
Nikolaj C. K. Grunnet havde vagten i Thurø rev spejderhytte fra kl.02.00 til 03.00, men den forgangne dag havde været lidt for hård, så han sov hele vagten. Derimod ville han som ersatatning gerne skrive om hvad der skete inden han faldt i søvn, (in english). My first JOTA started 9 o´clock in the morning. My patrol-leeder came to my house to pick me up by car. After picking up af few more scouts, we went to the QTL on Thurø. We got a little briefing, and started the work. We had to do a lot of things to get the JOTA-badge, for our uniform. The first thing i did, was to make an elictronic cube, it did not work, but it was fun to build. At 5 o´clock PM I speaked with a Canadian over the VHF-radio. The dinner was at 6 o´clock and the rest of the eve walked out with playing the game of Mayer and surf on the internet.
02.00 - 03.00 UTC by Lene BH. & Wickie J.
Kære Internet' Dagbog Dette her har vi valgt ikke at srive på Engelsk men Dansk, P.ga vores bedre evne til at skrive på dansk. På det tidspunkt var mange gået i seng men få sad og skrev med deres JOTA-venner. JOTA er en over fed jamboree. Når vi er på JOTA-tur prøver vi megen forskelig komonikation. Vi vil gerne takke vores radioamatøre for alt den hjælp vi for!. Vi afholder JOTA i skovhytten på thurø i år hved sydfyn.
Vy73 lene & wickie.
03.00 - 04.00 UTC by
04.00 - 05.00 UTC by
05.00 - 06.00 UTC by Morten and Rasmus
At 8.30 a.m There were breakfast the breakfast was: Corn Flakes, bread, cheese, marmelade, tea and coffee. When we had eated our breakfast should we clean our things. After that we should pack our things together so there was clean and tidy in the bedrooms. When the leaders and the radio people had eated there breakfast they started up the computers so we could write on them.
06.00 - 07.00 UTC by NN
klokken 08.00 stod nogen af os op og andre blev i sengen ind til de hørte at der var morgenmad så kom de op i en fart og efter vi havde spist gik vi ind og pakkede sammen nogen af os efter skulle min patrulje på løb der var også nogen der chattede på internettet.
07.00 - 08.00 UTC by
08.00 - 09.00 UTC by
09.00 - 10.00 UTC by